Wednesday, 12 March 2008

big stuff

"Our most grievous error is to think our incarnation some kind of cosmic privilege. We fall into time as a dead leaf into a river."
Don Paterson - The Book of Shadows

"The trick is to create a world from nothing."
John Burnside - Koi (From The Light Trap)


Anonymous said...

The first quote is strangely comforting.

I'm still thinking about the second one...:)

tom said...

Yes SB, a leaf in a river will do me. I take the second one to mean that you can, if you really really want, see the world as a blank canvass onto which you can create a universe of your very own making. Not easy, but perhaps a noble or ambitious (or possibly reckless!)ideal. Or I could be talking complete cack!

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me! :)