Thursday 12 July 2007

David Foster Wallace

Reading a book of essays by DFW entitled Consider The Lobster. The excellence of these sent me back to an earlier book of essays by said writer. A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again is truly marvellous - the title essay a brilliant, hilarious, astute and ultimately compassionate account of the human condition as observed on an "upscale" US cruise ship.


Anonymous said...

I like your blog. I'll keep watching it.


tom said...

Thanks Singing Bear...patience may be required as posting is in abeyance just now while other stuff gets done.

Anonymous said...

'Other stuff' there forever is!

I just checked your profile and I find you are a fan of Evelyn Underhill. Strangely, I've just begun reading her classic on Mysticism. It's very inspiring. What else did she write? Reply when you've got the time!

tom said...

Ah, the little-known but wonderful Evelyn Underhill! She wrote an awful lot actually, much of which I find quite demanding and difficult. For example I am currently working my way very slowly through her book on The Cloud of Unknowing - its almost as if you have to slow your normal reading pace to a crawl in order to let the meaning really sink in. Even then, its a challenge. My favourite book of hers (which I have read 4 or 5 times and which yields up new insights at every reading)is Practical Mysticism. Given that this book was written before the 1st World War, its freshness and relevance is, I think, quite astonishing - and you can get this book from amazon for less than £3!! I read it at least once a year to remind myself how incredible this thing called life really is.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips, Tom. I'll take a look at more of Evelyn's work when I've absorbed the big one.

If you don't mind, I'll put a link to 'aiblins' at our blog as soon as I can.
