Sunday, 24 June 2007

"How lovely yellow is"

Vincent to Theo Van Gogh, August 13 1888

sky and trees

Friday, 22 June 2007

aiblins explained

Aiblins, perhaps. A well-known word, but not in frequent use now.
[From able + -lin(g)s, the s being for is, orig. a genitival inflexion. The suffix -lin(g)s in Sc. as in Eng. forms a number of advs. and adjs. --- e.g. blin(d)lin(g)s, adv. The form ablens is found in Older Sc. (A. Montgomerie The Cherrie and the Slae, l. 1099, S.T.S. 1887). Forms of the word occur also in mod. north. Eng. dialects. Aiblins, though in general literary use in Sc., is now obs. or obsol. in actual speech.]

in the garden

sunny afternoon

thought for today

The cock-up theory is the conspiracy theory.